Excelient Things Lab

An IoT & AI Company

Live out your life.

About Etlab

Excelient Things Lab (ETLab) is a leading IoT services company that is transforming the way businesses operate and interact with their customers. Our mission is to empower businesses to harness the power of IoT to drive growth, improve efficiency, and create new revenue streams. With a focus on innovation, collaboration, and customer success, ETLab is at the forefront of the IoT industry, developing cutting-edge solutions that enable businesses to stay ahead of the curve.

At ETLab, we believe that IoT has the power to revolutionise industries and change the world. Our team of experts is dedicated to creating and implementing IoT solutions that help businesses achieve their goals and exceed customer expectations. We offer a wide range of services, including IoT consulting, device integration, cloud computing, data analytics, and mobile app development, to provide end-to-end solutions for businesses of all sizes and industries.


With our deep industry knowledge and technical expertise, we have helped businesses across a range of industries, including healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, and retail, to leverage IoT to drive growth and innovation. We are committed to staying at the forefront of the industry and investing in the latest technologies and trends to ensure our clients always have access to the most advanced and effective IoT solutions.

At ETLab, we are passionate about IoT and are driven by our commitment to customer success. Our goal is to be the go-to partner for businesses looking to leverage IoT to drive growth, improve efficiency, and create new revenue streams.

Our Vision & Mission

Our vision at Excelient Things Lab (ETLab) is to revolutionise the way businesses operate and interact with their customers through the power of IoT. We strive to be the leading IoT services company that empowers businesses to achieve their goals, drive growth, and exceed customer expectations.
At ETLab, our mission is to empower businesses to harness the power of IoT to drive innovation, efficiency, and customer success. We aim to achieve this mission by offering end-to-end IoT solutions that enable businesses to improve their operations, increase revenue, and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving industry. We are committed to delivering the highest level of service, innovation, and value to our clients and to staying at the forefront of the IoT industry through continuous investment in the latest technologies and trends.

Our Roots

Pradeep K Rai, Excelient Things Lab

Founder & CEO

  • B. Tech in Computer Science & Engg. from HBTI (Harcourt Butler Technological Institute), Kanpur
  • 25+ years (Last 10 yrs. in Technology business, exited last tech venture after successfully running approx. 6 years ) of rich experience in Industrial Digital Transformation, Business Strategy, Business Planning, Project Implementation, Product Development with Multiple Orbits, Excelient Things Lab(ETLab), Infotech Enterprises/Cyient, Technology, Tele Atlas/Tom Tom & IIS Infotec/Steria
  • Rich experience in Real-time, IoT/AI enabled/IIoT, secured, scalable Platform Design, Development and Implementation, Complex Enterprise Application Integration, GIS, GE Small world, ADMS, Wireless Sensor Network, Contactless (RFID), SCM, CRM, WMS, Battery Management Solutions, EV Battery Swapping System, Smart Energy Management Solutions, Crew Management Solutions, Route Optimizations & Planning, Smart City Solutions, Waste Management Tracking Solutions and SCADA, Dashboards, API Management Solutions, etc in various domains Power, Telecom, Education, Industrial Automation & Logistics etc

Live out your life.

Our commitment

At Excelient Things Lab (ETLab), we are committed to delivering the highest quality IoT solutions and services to our clients. We understand that safety and quality are critical components of any successful project, and we take this responsibility very seriously. Our commitment to safety and quality is reflected in our rigorous standards for device integration, cloud computing, data analytics, and mobile app development, as well as our dedication to continuous improvement and innovation.

We are committed to ensuring the safety and security of all of our IoT solutions and services by adhering to industry best practices, regulatory requirements, and our own internal standards. Our team of experts works tirelessly to ensure that our solutions are reliable, scalable, and secure, and that they meet or exceed the highest standards of quality.

We recognize that the success of our clients depends on the safety and quality of the IoT solutions and services we provide, and we are dedicated to meeting and exceeding their expectations. We strive to build long-term partnerships with our clients based on trust, integrity, and transparency, and we are committed to delivering solutions that provide measurable value and improve the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of their operations.

Overall, our commitment to safety and quality is an essential part of who we are at ETLab, and we will continue to prioritise these values in everything we do.